Country Store

We would like to give a big shout-out to the Country Store ladies, for volunteering their time and efforts all throughout the schoolyear making each quarter so special for the littles.  From cleaning up the merchandise, to organizing, pricing, setting it all up, your efforts do not go unnoticed. Thank you, again, to Kappa Kappa of Beta Sigma Phi  for all that you do for our littles!

For those that are unaware, the Country Store is an "in-house" shop where the students go each quarter to spend their Tiger Tickets. These Tiger Tickets are awarded when we find a student doing their Tiger Best. Items donated range from 5 tickets up to approximately 150 tickets. We've seen students walk out of the building with brand new bikes, keyboards, HUGE dollhouses, and so much more. Old or new, big or small, the country store has it all!

If you would like to donate to the country store, please bring donations by the elementary office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday-Friday.