
First off, the staff at Jefferson West Elementary would like to thank all the volunteers we have had over the last 39 years of Country Store. Most recently, over the last 10 years, the Kappa Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi has been running the show. However, they have decided they are ready to step down. We appreciate all of their efforts and absolutely cherish all the smiles they have put on all the young faces that make their way through these hallways.

For those who are unaware, the Country Store is an in-house store that the students can go in and shop for themselves, parents, siblings, and friends with their Tiger Tickets they have saved up throughout the quarter. That's right, the Country Store only pops up one time a quarter. It is funded on donations and volunteers. Tiger Tickets are accumulated throughout the course of the quarter by doing their Tiger B.E.S.T., which includes being responsible, safe, showing respect, and trying.

Meriden community, this is where we need your help. We are soon to be without leadership, which means the Country Store will have to close its doors. Please consider helping out the children of our community in keeping the Country Store going strong. Whether you're able to form a group, or already part of a group. Give us a call at 785-484-2455, if you're interested. Thank you! #heedtheroar