Jeff West After Prom is hosting a Chili and Cinnamon Roll Dinner on Friday Night! It will be from 5-8 pm in the HS commons. Come out and support our team and After Prom will help with your dinner plans!

HS Basketball Home Opener Tonight!!!
JW vs Perry-Lecompton
HS Gym MS Gym
4:30 PM. JV Girls JV Boys
6:00 PM Varsity Girls FR/C Boys
7:30 PM Varsity Boys
Games will Livestream on the NFHS Network. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/jefferson-west-high-school-meriden-ks

Congratulations to Lanie Becker, who signed with Ottawa University to play softball next year!!!

HS Basketball Games at Riverside Friday, 12/9/22!!!!
Main Gym 4:30 Boys JV 2nd/Small Gym: 6:00 C Team Boys
6:00 Varsity Girls 7:30 JV Girls (only 3 qtrs)
7:30 Varsity Boys
204 N 12th St.
Elwood, KS 66024

HS Basketball against Royal Valley tonight is being live streamed on the Royal Valley Youtube channel. It can be reached from the Youtube icon at the bottom right of their website or going to the following

Lady and Men Tigers Kick Off basketball season this evening traveling to Silver Lake! Games will be played at Silver Lake High School
200 E. Lake
Silver Lake, KS 66539
Game can be viewed on the Silver Lake Journalism page under live or following this link https://www.youtube.com/@silverlakejournalism1811/streams

NHS Induction Ceremony will be held Monday, Nov. 21st @ 7:00 pm

Come support our Weststeppers at the state competition in Topeka on Friday at the Stormont Vail Event Center. 1st performance at 8:45 am.

Come support our Cheer at the state competition in Topeka on Saturday at the Stormont Vail Event Center. 1st performance at 9:30 am.

It is important to never forget the student voice in all we do, it is our calling and our accountability as educators. Thankful for this group of young people coming to join the conversation. We will keep it going! #WestisBest!

Play Postponed! Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances we are moving the play production scheduled this weekend, Nov. 12 & 13.
Performances are rescheduled for Dec. 10 @ 7:00 pm, and Dec. 11 @ 2:00 pm

Congrats to Ella Dickey for being named honorable mention all-state in Golf!
Congrats to Tristan Muskrat-DL, Sam Broxterman-Punter, and Colin Miller-OL for being named honorable mention Big 7 League in Football!
Congrats to Rees Brown-OH 1st team and Olivia Scott-Libero honorable mention Big 7 League in Volleyball!

Reminder High School Parents!
We want to remind you of a few events happening at Jefferson West High School this week, Nov. 7-12.
Winter Sports Parent Meeting for HS Boys Basketball and HS Wrestling will be held Monday at 7pm at the High School. The parent meeting for HS Girls Basketball will be held on Tuesday at 5:30pm at the Middle School.
Also on Tuesday, Jostens will be at the High School during lunch periods regarding Senior Graduation items. Be sure to ask your Senior about the information they receive.
Wednesday, StuCo will host our fall blood drive here at the High School, 8am-2pm. Walk-ins get priority.
Theatre Troupe will be performing our fall musical at the High School at 7pm on Saturday. A matinee performance will be held at 2pm on Sunday.
If you have any questions, please call the High School at 785-484-3331.

Support the Jefferson West Weststeppers this Saturday at the Rural Spirit Showcase at Washburn Rural High School. Performance at 11:48 am with Awards at 3:15 pm. Come out to Cheer on our JW Weststeppers!

Due to schedule conflicts the HS Girls Basketball Parents Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8 2022 @ 5:30 pm at the MS GYM.

Support the Jefferson West Cheerleaders this Saturday at the Rural Spirit Showcase at Washburn Rural High School. Performance at 11:44 am with Awards at 3:15 pm. Come out to Cheer on our JW Cheerleaders!

Live Stream the HS Football Game:
Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022 @ 7:00pm Jefferson West vs Osawatomie

A great night for music!
Enjoying the wonderful voices of the HS Concert Choir and Lakeside Singers

After Prom is offering a pulled pork sandwich meal fundraiser tonight at the HS during the HS VB games tonight!

Parents, Patrons and Community Members.
Don't forget to join us in the high school library this Thursday morning for our first monthly school community breakfast. This will be a time for all to come together and ask all of your questions about the JW Family.